Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The Internship: Google versus Muggle!

Hey there!

Well, unusual than my other post, this post i will write in English, or, if i have time later i will translate for the readers from my country. Honestly, I prefer to write in my langugage, not because of my lack of English, but because i want what i write is well absorbed there, for the students, friends, back in my country, Indonesia.

But for this post, i would like to write it firstly in English, as I thought some of my ideas will be better delivered with this type of writing.

Well, tonight i had a great night with a movie called as The Internship. I saw this movie on BM teatre near Easy Day supermarket, but those was exam time, so well, this movie just pass me. However, i managed to get the DVD when i back to my country and well, after two months, i finally managed to watch this movie.

It has my two favorite stars, Vince. Vaughn and Owen Wilson. First time, i thought that this will be a boring or not too crispy comedy. Especially as i saw the pictures.

It started with two 30+ guys, Billy and Nick losing a job. They merely have a skill other than being a salesman, but in this internet era, well, they lost the job. Suddenly life becomes dark for them. Accidentally, one of them, Billy, hit a search in Google and found out that Google offers an internship during summer which will be followed by a full time job at the end of the internship for the qualified team. Suddenly these two guys, which has very low skill are accepted and should compete between those youth, genius and Google generation. Billy and Nick looks like a father in the kinder garten school. They join the internship with bunch of youngers with different era.

They, then, made a team with Lyle, a clumpsy manager, Neha, an Indian with low self esteem, Yo Yo from China who just know discipline as the only language, and Stewart, who mostly plays with his gadget. It is a comedy of a gap between the Google and the Muggle. :-) that is how i call it! Google and Muggle, it just has rhyme, doesnt it? ;-)

Who is Google? Well, Google generation is the young one. The Lady Gaga generation. The one who was raised by computer games, gadget, chatting, twitter. The one who only knows smiley for smile expression, need to put hashtag in each of their language, and mention his mom on facebook, even if his mom is sitting next to him. I call this generation as BOWING GENERATION. As everywhere they go, they always bow to their gadget. One second they sit either in train, bus, plane, what they do is just pulling out gadgets and bow! Their head is always bowing to the small inches of the gadget! Reading lines by lines, or typing something and laugh by themself. For couple, or husband and wife, this is the generation who type mostly :-* to their spouse account, but seldom do it in real. This is what i refer to, as life without essence. Talking to no one in real is like having a cigarette without tobacco or drinking beer with zero alcohol. This generation is refered in this movie as the youth. The google generation, i call it.

And who else is the Muggle? Well, I borrow this expression from Harry Potter actually. If u are not familiar with Harry Potter, there are two kinds in Harry Potter, one is the wizard, ones who has magic power, and the other kind is the Muggles, the ordinary people, or, i said as the one who doesnt know anything what is going on in the world. Just to simplify the world OUT DATED :-). I think that i mostly fall to this generation. In this generation, we were born in 1970-1980. We were raised by hoola hop, running on field, playing kite, and very seldom we have the video games to babysit us. In my age of growing, i dont even have a complete channel tv. Even tv was black and white at that time. We dont even understand what twitter is, or else, what instagram is. Thank God if we still know how to use Facebook and. Whatsapp so the Google generation will not be more laughing on us.

In this movie, Vince Vaughn as the director, really make the gap between Google and Muggle become connected in such a sweet way. The Google, well, we know that they are superior. They know everything just based on their finger tips, everything is just a click away. In this movie, both Billy and Nicky get shocked that the young even know about Star Trek but both Billy and Nicky doesnt even know what instagram is. The phrase "the older know better" really lost its meaning. The Google generation really shows that they know more than the elder. Everything is just one click away!

However, what has lost from the Google generation is overcome by the Muggle here. Google generation has lost what so called as real life experience. They grow up in the safest way, until they can not smell the fresh air, due to pollution, they never fall and hit the ground because they are babysat by the computer and tv, they dont know how to communicate with people, as they just know how to type and read. Google generation lost the power of dream, the confidence, the courage to fall and get stand again. Because in Google generation, help is just to push the F1 button, if u dont know something, just Google it, if u lost, GPS is there for u, if u dont know how to back park your car, there will be the navigation, and even if accident happen, there will be air bag so it will be minimum injury. But the Muggle generation, they are tougher. They are raised by the wind, running in field, fall down, get injured on knee, and stand again. This what has lost from the Google generation. They even forget the smell of the old dusty book in library due to those pdf books, or how fun it is to read the ordinary dictionary instead of using those instant translator ;-).

And this is so sweet how Vince brought all into the movies. He showed that the Muggle should learn lots of knowledge from the Googles and to keep up with them, but also the Google should learn from the Muggle about courage, real life communication, real fighting, confidence, the fun of fail and stand up again. Google generation has all what it takes to be success theoritically, but in practice, they should learn from the Muggle. The Muggle like me who was raised by type writer not a computer, yes, we type more careful than those youngers because they can easily delete the mistake by pressing BACKSPACE button. That makes us, the Muggles, more aware of failure, but yet more careful and has more courage. But again there is no BACKSPACE button in life, u can not UNDO life. When trouble comes, u can not SKIP or ESCAPE it. U should face it, thats it. And this is what a Muggle generation is enriched with. We are not the bowing generation, we are the stand up generation, we face life, and deal with it! We have the confidence to dream and to fail at the same time!

However, Muggle generation is not the God of the era, they also need to learn from the Google generation. Once in a while, they should learn how to post a picture on facebook, or how to type by a computer and that spacing is not done by rolling a rolling sheet on your typewriter, but by pressing a space button on a board named as keyboard. The Muggle should be adapted that life changes. People do not listen to walkman anymore, there is ipod or MP3 player. There is no more Video tape, everyhthing is on youtube to download. We dont use floppy disk anymore, but yet we shouold know that is a thing so called as pen drive. Otherwise we will be left behind by the age. Maybe we can not use more of the twitter, but we should know that there is a twitter. In this movie, Billy is hillariously saying that ONLINE as ON THE LINE :-) to show how Muggle he is!

Well, overall, this is a great movie. Mostly recommended by me. This is a good movie how a gap between the elder and the younger is being communicated in such a sweet way. Not by hurting each others, or by saying that the elder knows better. Surely the Muggle has more experience and ready to fail more than the Google generation, but to study more theory in order to avoid un necessary failure is also not a big sin, isnt it? And Google generation, u guys should stop bowing once in a while. Shut down those tab, laptops, and those smart phones. Once in a while, go outside, smile to people, i mean really a smile not a :-). Running in field, feel those pain when u fall down. This world is a bigger place instead of those two inches screen gadget! Smell the coffee and wake up! I mean, real coffe, with caffeine, not the simulation coffee u saw on your laptop screen! :-)

Ow and to make it sweeter, Vince put a cocky character played in British accent, from one of the student who finally fail by his cockiness. A sentiment of an American to a rigid British, i suppose. Just my opinion, anyway. :-)

Again, u should watch this movie to feel how i feel tonight. It is truly a great and positive movie to watch. Light, but yet enlighten u, in such a good way!

Sweet, but not oversweet! Has a moral value, a sympathic communication between a Google and a Muggle. Marvelous!

Then what happened with Billy and Nick then? Hmm, of course, as one of the Muggle, even u can read the reviews by google it, Google generation, or download it by youtube, again, as i am the Muggle, I suggest u to watch it by your real life experience then ;-)!

Mysore, April 1 2014.

Me, whom is still in India!

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