Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Amazing Spiderman, Amazing Life Surprises!

Hey there!

Yes, its me again, writing for the rest of human beings on earth hehehe. How are u guys there? Thanks anyway, for reading my piece here and even giving comments, this is just all silly piece of mine, as i am a silly writer, lol.

Well, today, i would like to dedicate this piece to a Four-Standard boy, named Anirudh. Ok, let me explain why this is specially dedicated to him.

I dont know about other foreigners, but for me, India is a friendly place. I found so many amazing people whom treats me amazingly here. I do make a good friendship with the Indians along my way of studying here and get so much help from them, despite that i am a foreigner. I got help from police officer who cancelled to give me ticket, the chicken man who always reduce the price of my purchase, the easyday officers who minimum smile genuinely to me. India, in my eyes,is just a friendly place, wherever i go.

So anyway, today another amazing thing happened. I never go to movies alone, because u know, its a movie, a place where u should hang out with your friends to have fun. So i always avoid to go if i have no accompany. However, i promise to do many insecurity things from now on and see how life surprises me, so that was exactly what i did today. I decided to watch THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN...alone! Before i went, i met one of my friends in chemistry department, who asks how can i enjoy the movie as i am alone? I told her, i dont want to bother anyone, so i kind of invite myself for my things. Of course, i didnt expect much when i arrived there. I just thought i will sit alone quitely and enjoy the movie.

Well, well, life surprises me! When i was waiting for the show, i sat beside a boy whom was going with his grandma, grandpa, and his younger brother. I asked him "do u speak english?", as u know, many people sometimes hard to speak English to us, foreigner. He replied me, with a perfect English and told me that he is the first in his English class. He also said that his English teacher named Geeta, is pretty, just like me, lol. Then, he said "because u are alone, i will be your partner today". And amazingly, our seat is just side by side, he was on D17, i was on D16. Hahaha.

Ok, by the way, along the show, he hold my hand, and shared his popcorn. We also discussed about the movie, and how much we like it, finally he asked for my number and i just gave him. When i reached home, i got a call from his mom, inviting me for lunch on. Sunday, what an amazing story, isnt it?

Well, readers, today i learn something. I learn that even when u are alone, u can always make friends, each and every step of the way. And when u expect almost nothing from life, u will see how life surprises u! When we expect too much, apparently we will always get disappointed. Because in my theory, disappointment = expectation - reality. When the gap between expectation and reality is too much, this will lead to the disappointment or even frustration. Of course, it doesnt mean that we should stop hoping for the best, we need hope. Only i suggest to simplify our expectation and that will make us embrace life more easily. And when we embrace life, just see how life surprises u and me. Dont plan too much, do the best of course, and hope, but simplify the expectation. Be brave to challenge life and being in insecurity and lets see how life surprises us. Thats why it is called as SURPRISE, because it wasnt planned, sometimes u dont even expected,but when it happens, u just know how much happiness u will feel inside. :-)

To the boy named Anirudh, thank u very much for the amazing date this afternoon, i really really enjoy it. And u are usch a gentleman, holding my hand along the show. U just dont know how much u surprises me today.

Well, guys, get ready to challenge life, embrace life with gratitude, and see how much surprises life will bring us. Amazing spiderman, amazing Anirudh, amazing life surprises!

I never plan to stay and live in India for two years, and meet so many great people along the way. But i know, everywhere i go, i can always make friends, each and every step of the way....

Still in (amazing) India.

Nurul Kasyfita.

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