Hi there, good morning!
Still early in Mysore, but my brain needs a little "get away" time. So, here I am, writing to all of u. Sharing a piece of my thought on a bright Sunday morning.
Well...it will be a kind of dark version of the fairy tale that u usually read or hear from. I know, i know, we are all aware of Cinderella, the kind hearted princess that finally gets her true love, and finally marry the Prince Charming, and..based on the book, it says
Well, if i could be the writer of cinderella, please allow me to continue the story a bit. A bit after happily ever after.
A year after the grand wedding party, Cinderella and the Prince still not able to get a baby. There is, of course, some worriness in her heart. Not to mention the Queen who always asks about that. Cinderella also found that she can not get along well with the Queen. There are some fightings between these two women around the prince. The In Law problems.
Meanwhile, the Prince who really wants a baby choose to drink to get away from his desperation. Cinderella gets more and more upset as the Prince charming who she loved so much, turns out to be THE ALCOHOL MONSTER, who just knock the bedroom door and sleep endlessly. No more romance, no more fairy tale.
Cindrella wants to run away from this life she has been dreaming of before. The live in palace is nothing but a jail. One horrible Queen, one alcoholic husband, the "still not come" baby. What a doom!
I still have other version if i could just elaborate more. The prince may have affair. Cinderella may get abused in palace. The queen may separate her and the prince, u name it, anything can happen after happily ever after! Happily ever after is not the end. It is not always the kind hearted gets the excellent return. Yeah, that may happen, IN HEAVEN. Yes, in heaven, where all the idealisms are there. But come on, people, we are in real wild world. Its not the fairy tale inside a bedtime story book. We have witch, monster, dragon, every scary thing in this world. U just name it!
No matter how amazing that story is, that fairy tale will just raise what i called as FAIRY TALE GENERATION. The generation that believes that a good person will get a good return, and the bad one will get punished. It is of course, good to have a positive hope along this exhausting life, but it is also good to be aware that bad things may happen in life without reason. Come on, just admit it, shit happens in life. This is surely not a fairy tale. U eat or be eaten here, darling. So, what i mean is, just hope for the best, nothing wrong of that. Cinderella may hope that life will always be OK, but she also needs to be aware that life may go wrong. There may be cheating, affair, abusement, and she should definitely get ready for that.
A fairy tale generation will also trust anyone is as good as her. Of course its not ok to always judge on others, but its also healthy to be aware of them. For example, when a man says to a woman nowadays "i will call u later", they really dont mean it. So, if u are Cinderella kind of type, u will desperately wait for the man call, while he maybe roaming around with the other woman and not even think about u. Just admit that man nowadays are not prince charming anymore. And yes, u man, u can also say that we, women, are not cinderella type anymore. As u cheat, we get smarter of course. Come on, we are just following the game rule of yours!
It is of course sad, to be loudly say that, there is no true love anymore. Even no matter how much u hope on that, love will always have its HIDDEN AGENDA. Either it is for money, sex, authorities, there is NO such thing men and women can deal with each other with no reason. It is sad to say that it is hard to trust anyone this time. The sentence I LOVE U becomes blur, and lost its meaning. It is nothing but the justification to cheat the other party and get what they want from u. And..if u are that type of fairy tale generation, u will be left with no hope, sadness, as he sucks all of your happiness and cheats u all the way.
Still in India.
Nurul Kasyfita
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